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    Key facts

    50 years

    We have a proud, 50 year-history as a leading nuclear services technology company

    Diversity of supply

    We are the only company in the world to operate enrichment facilities in four countries.

    50 customers

    We supply uranium enrichment services and fuel cycle products to more than 50 customers in 19 countries.

    17,900 tSW/a

    At the end of 2022, our global production capacity was 17,900 tSW/a.

    Expertise in stewardship

    We have two subsidiaries dedicated to overseeing our work in responsible nuclear stewardship.

    What we do image What we do image

    What we do

    We provide safe, cost-effective and reliable uranium enrichment services and fuel cycle products for power generation within a framework of high environmental, social responsibility and corporate governance standards.

    Our customers typically supply us with natural uranium, uranium hexafluoride, which we then enrich to international specifications, using centrifuge technology designed and deployed by Urenco. Through the flexible operation of this technology, we are also able to provide products and services beyond enrichment; for example, by conserving natural uranium and providing enriched uranium product.

    We also use our technical expertise to serve the wider nuclear industry. We have subsidiaries dedicated to responsible nuclear stewardship and we produce stable isotope products with medical, industrial and research applications.

    Our global operations

    We are unique in the global enrichment market in having four enrichment facilities in four different countries. These are located in Germany (Urenco Deutschland), the Netherlands (Urenco Nederland), the UK (Urenco UK) and the USA (UUSA). Our Head Office is located close to London in the UK and we have a marketing office in Arlington in the USA.

    We are committed to leading the way in responsible uranium stewardship and have several subsidiaries dedicated to overseeing our work in this area. Urenco ChemPlants operates our Tails Management Facility in the UK, which deconverts the by-product of enrichment into a more stable form for long term storage for future enrichment or final disposal, and Urenco Nuclear Stewardship, also based in the UK, is responsible for the management of nuclear materials, decommissioning and recycling.

    Our stable isotopes business (Urenco Stable Isotopes) in the Netherlands draws on our expertise and capabilities in centrifuge technology to produce a variety of stable isotopes for medical, industrial and research applications.

    We also own a 50% interest in Enrichment Technology Company (ETC), a joint venture company with Orano. ETC provides enrichment plant design services and gas centrifuge technology for enrichment plants through its subsidiaries in France, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK.

    Our customers image Our customers image

    Our customers

    We supply uranium enrichment services and fuel cycle products to more than 50 customers in 19 countries. Our global reach and diversity of supply means we are well placed to meet the needs of our customers around the world and we pride ourselves on the quality, flexibility and reliability of our services. We are currently working towards providing support to our customers to fuel nuclear new builds, including the next generation of reactors.

    In 2022, we once again met 100% of our customer delivery commitments.




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    Urenco Stable Isotopes is based in Almelo, the Netherlands. We have the facilities, personnel and resources to supply a wide range of isotopes to numerous clients in various markets.

    An isotope is an element that has the same number of protons (the same atomic number) but a different number of neutrons in the nucleus (different atomic mass). Isotopes can either be stable or unstable. Due to their unique properties, stable isotopes are used in a variety of applications, including medical diagnosis, semiconductor production for electronic devices and research on materials used in nuclear environments.

    Urenco SI centrifuge technology

    Using the most advanced centrifuge technology available in the world today, we can enrich materials to exceed 99% or deplete below 1%.

    Our gas centrifuge consists of a fast spinning rotor inside a vacuum casing. Gas is fed into the rotor, where it is accelerated to the rotational frequency. Gas molecules are then subjected to centrifugal forces induced by the centripetal acceleration. Heavy molecules are subjected to larger forces than light molecules and there will thus be a higher concentration

    of heavy molecules towards the rotor wall, whereas the lighter molecules are more concentrated towards the centre of the rotor. The gas is extracted from the centrifuge by a set of gas

    extraction scoops; the heavy fraction scoop is located near the rotor wall, whereas the light fraction scoop is placed closer to the centre of the rotor.

    Urenco SI centrifuge technology image Urenco SI centrifuge technology image

    More than 50 years' experience

    The advanced centrifuge technology that we use and own, is the result of over thirty years' continuous development. The production of stable isotopes started as a diversification project at our plant in Almelo, the Netherlands, in the early 1990s.

    Because we are diversified from the Urenco R&D department, a lot of enrichment knowledge has always been embedded in our DNA. From the early stages of our existence, the knowledge on converting gaseous materials and product processing has been continuously developed and a vast experience on handling various materials has been developed through execution of various projects.   

    From the mid-1990s, we have been operating as a profitable autonomous business unit and we have been continuously diversifying our product portfolio.

    Our future developments image Our future developments image

    Our future developments

    We are continuously developing and expanding our enrichment capacity and are constantly looking out for new development opportunities. Our R&D department uses premium quality equipment and our staff are highly educated and trained. One of our key goals is development in close cooperation with our customers and we try to be involved in R&D projects from a very early stage to let our customers benefit from our knowledge to the fullest extent. This results in the highest quality and most cost-effective products and solutions.

    Meet our managers

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    Arjan Bos

    Business Unit Manager, Urenco Stable Isotopes

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    Martijn van Hezel

    Commercial Manager, Urenco Stable Isotopes

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    Peter Groen

    Development Manager, Urenco Stable Isotopes

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    Edwin Mulder

    Production Manager, Urenco Stable Isotopes


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