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Sustainability at Urenco means delivering for a net zero world whilst minimising our own impact on the environment, operating in an open and accountable manner and supporting our local communities.

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    Sustainability Image

    Sustainability at Urenco means delivering for a net zero world whilst minimising our own impact on the environment, operating in an open and accountable manner and supporting our local communities.

Our corporate video highlights why nuclear energy is vital for achieving our collective net zero climate goals. The film shows how Urenco is aiming to transform into an even more flexible, innovative organisation that can help deliver more low carbon, secure and affordable energy.

Our progress

Reduced our water use by 10.5% compared to our baseline year of 2020

53% reduction in carbon emissions (scope 1 and 2) from our baseline year of 2019

Invested €6.5 million in our social impact programme since 2021

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How do we contribute to each of the relevant Sustainable Development Goals?

Development Goals Graphic

Our priorities

In 2023 we ran what is known as a materiality analysis, which aims to understand the importance of key sustainability topics as well as identify and prioritise the issues that are most relevant to our stakeholders and our business.

Below you can see our priority areas that resulted from this analysis. The full report is available to download below.

View our materiality analysis
  • Environmental Impact

    Role of Nuclear in the Net Zero Transition

    Responsible Waste Management

    Climate Change & Carbon Emissions

    Protecting & Restoring Nature

    Responsible Water Management

    Social Impact

    Energy Security

    Employee Health, Safety & Wellbeing

    Employee empowerment & engagement

    Human Rights and Sustainable Procurement

    Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

    Economic Contribution

    Positive Social Impact

    Community Engagement & Support

    Governance and Ethics

    Nuclear Safety & Security and Non-Proliferation

    Data Privacy & Security

    Ethical & Transparent Business

  • Environmental Impact

    Reach our goal of
    net zero by 2040

  • Social Impact

    Social investment
    education, internships
    and donations

  • Governance and Ethics

    Nuclear safety,
    security and non

Sustainability stories

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the goals