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Urenco showcases advanced reactor and fuelling capabilities

15 April 2019 Local News

Urenco’s capability in developing advanced fuels and a micro modular reactor were presented at the International SMR and Advanced Reactor Summit in Atlanta.

Karen Fili, President and CEO of our US site, UUSA, was a key speaker at the event last month and discussed how Urenco can address the High Assay Low Enriched Uranium (HA-LEU) requirements of the advanced reactor community.

This follows the recent announcement of UUSA's capability in the provision of HA-LEU, for civil, peaceful applications in existing and new power plants as well as for research, test and medical isotopes facilities.

Urenco is also leading a consortium developing a micro nuclear reactor, U-Battery, and the programme’s General Manager, Steve Threlfall, was part of a Natural Resources Canada led vendor panel at the summit. Steve presented on developments in the last 12 months since his last presentation to this conference and how U-Battery can address the energy needs of remote communities in one of the key initial markets, Canada.

Urenco and U-Battery jointly exhibited at the event and welcomed the opportunity to engage with an audience of around 400 people. Urenco’s Head of Business Development, David Fletcher, also attended.

Steve said: “The Atlanta summit is a great opportunity to discuss with key stakeholders the progress Urenco and U-Battery are making in area of developing an advanced reactor and fuelling these technologies. The momentum around U-Battery is building rapidly with completion of the first phase of the UK Government’s Advanced Modular Reactor programme and the release of the Canadian Roadmap for Small Modular Reactors.”

David added: “In relation to advanced, or next generation fuels, Urenco is exploring the construction of a dedicated HA-LEU unit. Further activity is also underway to support the near-term delivery of slightly greater than 5% uranium (U235) enrichments for existing light water reactors interested in higher burn-up rates and/or extended operating cycles.”

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About Urenco

Urenco is an international supplier of enrichment services and fuel cycle products with sustainability at the core of its business. Operating in a pivotal area of the nuclear fuel supply chain for 50 years, Urenco facilitates zero carbon electricity generation for consumers around the world.

With its head office near London, UK, Urenco’s global presence ensures diversity and security of supply for customers through enrichment facilities in Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and the USA. Using centrifuge technology designed and developed by Urenco, and through the expertise of our people, the Urenco Group provides safe, cost effective and reliable services; operating within a framework of high environmental, social and governance standards, complementing international safeguards.

Urenco is committed to continued investment in the responsible management of nuclear materials; innovation activities with clear sustainability benefits, such as nuclear medicine, industrial efficiency and research; and nurturing the next generation of scientists and engineers.

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