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Urenco speaks at IAEA radiopharmaceuticals event

12 May 2023 Global News

Urenco’s Mark Moran explained how our stable and medical isotopes business makes a valuable contribution to lifesaving patient treatments.

Urenco’s Mark Moran explained how our stable and medical isotopes business makes a valuable contribution to lifesaving patient treatments when he spoke at the recent International Symposium of Trends in Radiopharmaceuticals.
Mark, Head of Medical Isotopes, was a panellist at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) event held at their headquarters in Vienna, Austria in late April where scientists and other professionals within the industry have the chance to discuss key developments and challenges.
The panel’s discussion centred around partnerships and collaborations within the Radiopharmaceutical space, with Mark focusing on the role Urenco plays within the industry, how fostering great collaborations ensures robust supply chains, and highlighting the need for industry partners and academia to further enhance collaborations to ensure the focus remains on the isotopes and technologies driving Nuclear Medicine and supporting equitable patient access.
Mark said: "This event represented a great opportunity to develop a global conversation around our future plans to develop more isotopes with specific medical benefits. It’s an area which has a great deal of potential for Urenco and as well as supporting our sponsorship of the IAEA under our Social Investment Programme, it was great to meet and network with people working in this area.”
Urenco’s Almelo site in the Netherlands has been producing stable isotopes for over 30 years. The facility is designed to enable the enrichment of multiple isotopes including zinc, iridium, tungsten, xenon, selenium and tellurium.
These in turn make a valuable contribution to medical treatments for serious diseases including cancer, and annual sales have impacted the equivalent of approximately two million patient treatments that involve medical products.
The conflict in Ukraine has also affected an increased demand in these products and Urenco is exploring ways to increase our impact in the Nuclear Medicine sector via partnerships, collaborations and within the company in order to meet supply chain challenges.

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About Urenco

Urenco is an international supplier of enrichment services and fuel cycle products with sustainability at the core of its business. Operating in a pivotal area of the nuclear fuel supply chain for 50 years, Urenco facilitates zero carbon electricity generation for consumers around the world.

With its head office near London, UK, Urenco’s global presence ensures diversity and security of supply for customers through enrichment facilities in Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and the USA. Using centrifuge technology designed and developed by Urenco, and through the expertise of our people, the Urenco Group provides safe, cost effective and reliable services; operating within a framework of high environmental, social and governance standards, complementing international safeguards.

Urenco is committed to continued investment in the responsible management of nuclear materials; innovation activities with clear sustainability benefits, such as nuclear medicine, industrial efficiency and research; and nurturing the next generation of scientists and engineers.

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