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How to save the planet in 45 minutes - Richie Lecture 2022

14 December 2022 Global News

Our eighth annual Richie Lecture was a hit with students, who learnt how they can play a role in fighting climate change.

Wednesday 23 November saw our eighth annual Richie Lecture taking place at Wonderlab: The Equinor Gallery at the Science Museum. We welcomed students from schools across London for a day of activities and experiments centring around sustainability. 

Our guest speaker, Dr Ken Farquhar, performed his show entitled ‘How To Save The Planet in 45 minutes’. The theme of this year’s lecture explores the science behind environmental campaigns and how this links to pollution and climate change. Students learned how to ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’, as well as the importance of sustainability, all through the spectacle of interactive science. 

Urenco's Chair, Stephen Billingham CBE, introduced the lecture and said: "We are very keen to get students involved in STEM subjects because through these disciplines we can change the world. Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths help us to understand the world around us and then find and implement solutions to tackle some of our biggest challenges. The students of today can be part of that, and companies like Urenco need to help by getting them enthused and involved with STEM. So we are committed to showing young people, through initiatives like the Richie Lecture, that these subjects are exciting, interesting, dynamic and they are challenging. All the things you actually want from a job."

Our video of the lecture displays just how significant STEM education is, and how its exciting delivery has encouraged and inspired the young people who attended. To find out more about our Richie education programme, visit our sustainability pages.

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About Urenco

Urenco is an international supplier of enrichment services and fuel cycle products with sustainability at the core of its business. Operating in a pivotal area of the nuclear fuel supply chain for 50 years, Urenco facilitates zero carbon electricity generation for consumers around the world.

With its head office near London, UK, Urenco’s global presence ensures diversity and security of supply for customers through enrichment facilities in Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and the USA. Using centrifuge technology designed and developed by Urenco, and through the expertise of our people, the Urenco Group provides safe, cost effective and reliable services; operating within a framework of high environmental, social and governance standards, complementing international safeguards.

Urenco is committed to continued investment in the responsible management of nuclear materials; innovation activities with clear sustainability benefits, such as nuclear medicine, industrial efficiency and research; and nurturing the next generation of scientists and engineers.