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Urenco all set to exhibit and present at World Nuclear Exhibition

16 November 2021 Global News

Urenco will attend the World Nuclear Exhibition (WNE), exhibiting alongside around 550 other organisations.

Between 30 November and 2 December, Urenco will attend the World Nuclear Exhibition (WNE), exhibiting alongside around 550 other organisations.

The WNE is an international exhibition that occurs every two years, where the sector’s global leaders and decision-makers share their visions and objectives and discuss strategic topics. 18,000 participants from 55 countries will be involved in this year’s physical and digital hybrid event hosted in Paris.

Closely following COP26 in Glasgow, the WNE theme is "The nuclear industry, a key partner for a low carbon society in a responsible future", which will address major concerns in the fight against climate change.

Urenco will run a workshop that will examine how our 50 years’ of uranium enrichment experience is now being harnessed to diversify and offer our customers all elements of the nuclear fuel supply chain.

This diversification also includes developing next generation fuels for nuclear reactors, such as advanced reactors and small modular reactor designs, for example U-Battery, as well as progressing our nuclear stewardship capabilities and medical isotope provision.

In addition, the workshop will highlight our sustainability ambitions and support for hydrogen production, with highlights from our recent study with Aurora Energy Research.

Urenco is a supporting partner of the UK Pavilion at WNE, organised by the Energy Industry Council and UK Department for International Trade (DIT). 

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About Urenco

Urenco is an international supplier of enrichment services and fuel cycle products with sustainability at the core of its business. Operating in a pivotal area of the nuclear fuel supply chain for 50 years, Urenco facilitates zero carbon electricity generation for consumers around the world.

With its head office near London, UK, Urenco’s global presence ensures diversity and security of supply for customers through enrichment facilities in Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and the USA. Using centrifuge technology designed and developed by Urenco, and through the expertise of our people, the Urenco Group provides safe, cost effective and reliable services; operating within a framework of high environmental, social and governance standards, complementing international safeguards.

Urenco is committed to continued investment in the responsible management of nuclear materials; innovation activities with clear sustainability benefits, such as nuclear medicine, industrial efficiency and research; and nurturing the next generation of scientists and engineers.

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