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Urenco increases support to FORATOM

16 December 2020 Global News

Kees Jan Steenhoek, Urenco Director of Government Affairs EU, has been appointed as Chair of FORATOM’s overarching policy framework steering group and Vice-Chair of its Sustainability Policies Working Group.

Kees Jan Steenhoek, Urenco Director of Government Affairs EU, has been appointed as Chair of FORATOM’s overarching policy framework steering group and Vice-Chair of its Sustainability Policies Working Group.

FORATOM is the trade association for the nuclear energy industry in Europe and acts as the voice of the European nuclear industry in discussions with EU institutions and other key stakeholders.

Urenco commented in support of a recent FORATOM paper about the need for EU education and training policy to do more to ensure that there is a sufficient number of people with the right skills in the nuclear field.

Key priorities for FORATOM are the Green Deal and Financial Taxonomy, which are discussed in the Sustainability Policies Working Group and deal with the energy transition and the EU’s goal to be carbon neutral by 2050.

Other important working groups reporting into the steering group are the SMR working group (of which U-Battery colleague Chris White is a member), the Hydrogen working group which is looking at the role nuclear can play in producing hydrogen, and the Brexit working group which has engaged closely on the negotiations between the UK and the EU.

FORATOM also convenes the #NEL (Nuclear Europe Leaders group) of which CEO Boris Schucht and Urenco Nederlands Managing Director Ad Louter (in his capacity of chairman of Nuclear Netherlands) are members.

Kees Jan said: “FORATOM is well-positioned to follow important policy debates in Europe, and by having the ear of key decision makers, it’s a good platform to try to inform those discussions. I’m very much looking forward to working with colleagues at FORATOM on these issues.”

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About Urenco

Urenco is an international supplier of enrichment services and fuel cycle products with sustainability at the core of its business. Operating in a pivotal area of the nuclear fuel supply chain for 50 years, Urenco facilitates zero carbon electricity generation for consumers around the world.

With its head office near London, UK, Urenco’s global presence ensures diversity and security of supply for customers through enrichment facilities in Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and the USA. Using centrifuge technology designed and developed by Urenco, and through the expertise of our people, the Urenco Group provides safe, cost effective and reliable services; operating within a framework of high environmental, social and governance standards, complementing international safeguards.

Urenco is committed to continued investment in the responsible management of nuclear materials; innovation activities with clear sustainability benefits, such as nuclear medicine, industrial efficiency and research; and nurturing the next generation of scientists and engineers.

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